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69 posts tagged with "heromode"

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· 7 min read
HeroMode can be used to maintain good habits, such as stretching once in a while during your busy work day.

HeroMode has many different use cases. Today, I describe how I use HeroMode to build a stretching routine to rehabilitate my knees.

  • Set up a repeat quest for a stretching session
  • Within the quest, use checkboxes to list the movements
  • Each stretching session takes no more than 10 minutes to complete
  • I set up the repeat quest for Mondays through Fridays, so that I'm reminded to get up and stretch during work days
  • Since setting up the "Stretch time!" repeat quest, I've been stretching almost daily, and my knees are feeling a lot better!

· 8 min read
heromode can be used as a habit tracker

Do you have a new habit you'd like to adopt? Here we lay out the three simple steps to use HeroMode as a Habit Tracker:

  1. Create an Adventure for the New Habit
  2. Create a Repeat Quest for the Task Associated With the Habit
  3. See Your Progress With Metrics and Activity Calendar

We also provide some additional tips to make your habit building journey joyful and successful.

· 6 min read
goals should be like a lighthouse. they guide us in the right direction as we act.

This time of the year, goals and reflections are top of mind for many of us. Setting a goal well, and it can propel you to glory and success. Setting goals ineffectively, and they could become distractions, or worse, unnecessary anxieties.

How to set goals the right way? We look at three lessons on goal setting from behavioral psychology.

· 8 min read
heromode can help you stay away from bad habits

HeroMode can be used in many different ways. In today's post, I describe how I use HeroMode to break my Reddit habit. These are the steps I took:

  • Creating an Adventure called "Bye bye Reddit"
  • Within this Adventure, set up a daily repeat quest for "No Reddit today"
  • I used to browse Reddit most heavily at night, so I have this repeat quest automatically created at 10pm each day
  • Each day, I try to complete the quest of "No Reddit today"
  • With Activity Calendar and Streak, I have been able to stay away from Reddit over the last few months!

· 7 min read
heromode v2.3 ios app has been released in the app store

HeroMode v2.3 is now available in the App Store!

  • Brand new navigation icons
  • Streak counts are now available!
  • Alerts have a new style to prepare us for desktop launch!
  • Quests can have zero points!
  • ... and many other UI updates.

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback -- you can email us at

· 5 min read
a new feature is coming soon to heromode: expired quests

We have added Expired Quests to HeroMode!

With this new functionality, you can mark a quest as expired instead of deleting it. For example, for a quest that you just can't get to, and you'd like to keep it in the record and track the stats.

Expired Quests, along with other updates on Stats and Activity Calendars, will be available in the next release!