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8 posts tagged with "goals"

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6 min read
Goal setting is a science and an art.

Want to achieve your goals more effectively? The secret lies in understanding the difference between behavioral goals (the actions you take) and outcome goals (the results you want). While most people focus solely on outcomes, research shows that successful transformations often hinge on setting the right behavioral goals. Learn how to use both types of goals in HeroMode to maximize your chances of success!

7 min read
Think of your goals as a lighthouse instead of a finish line.

We all have the natural drive to enrich our human experiences, to grow, and to achieve mastery. And often, we set goals to remind us of our aspirations. But goal setting can be tricky. Done well, it can guide us to success. Otherwise, as many of us have experienced, it can lead to frustration and disappointment.

Before we begin the goal setting season that comes with the new year, let's first build the right mindset for goals. As it turns out, how we think about goals can make a big difference in their effectiveness, and, more importantly, in our ability to enjoy the journey.

8 min read
heromode can be used as a habit tracker

Do you have a new habit you'd like to adopt? Here we lay out the three simple steps to use HeroMode as a Habit Tracker:

  1. Create an Adventure for the New Habit
  2. Create a Repeat Quest for the Task Associated With the Habit
  3. See Your Progress With Metrics and Activity Calendar

We also provide some additional tips to make your habit building journey joyful and successful.

6 min read
goals should be like a lighthouse. they guide us in the right direction as we act.

This time of the year, goals and reflections are top of mind for many of us. Setting a goal well, and it can propel you to glory and success. Setting goals ineffectively, and they could become distractions, or worse, unnecessary anxieties.

How to set goals the right way? We look at three lessons on goal setting from behavioral psychology.