You can use HeroMode to manage your trip planning. Especially the trip checklist that you might need to do before the trip. As someone who gets really anxious preparing for a trip, HeroMode is very helpful to help me stay on track, and actually feel relaxed! Here I go through the three steps to set up a trip checklist that you can re-use for any trip.
Going on a summer trip is supposed to be a joyful experience. But if you are prone to anxiety like me, you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed.
For me, my days before the trip are filled with stress. My mind is occupied with things I need to do, and worries about what if I forget something. Sometimes, I even get nightmares, like missing my flight, or losing my ID, or forgetting to lock my door and going back to an empty house!
A few months ago, we launched the Repeat a Quest on Demand feature. Coupled with Quest checkboxes, it can be used to keep track of the things you need to do before a trip.
Using HeroMode to manage your trip checklist takes just a few steps. Let's go through them one by one.
Step 1: Create a quest with checkboxes
A checklist needs checkboxes. So the first step is to simply create a quest with any items you need to do before the trip. You can file this quest under any adventure. For me, I consider "Trip checklist" as part of the "Household Chores" adventure. But you can organize your quest as you like.

Above: Create a quest with checkboxes for your trip checklist!
Step 2: Set the quest to repeat on demand
Instead of creating this "Trip checklist" quest right away, we will use the "Repeat this Quest" button to set up this quest to repeat. But there's no set schedule for "Trip checklist", so we select the "Repeat on demand" option. After saving this quest, now we have a repeatable quest that we can create on demand.

Above: Set the "Trip checklist" quest to repeat on demand!
Step 3: Create a repeat quest
Now that we have a repeatable quest, we can create an instance of this quest. For example, a couple days ago was the July 4th holiday, and I wanted to make sure I took care of my trip checklist. So simply go to the "Trip checklist" quest, and use the "+" button to create this quest.

Above: Create a repeat quest for your trip checklist!
And that's it! Once the quest is created, you can toggle each checkbox as you complete a task. Being able to make sure I do everything I need to do before the trip keeps me more relaxed and less anxious. And for any future trip, I can simply create a new instance of this quest without having to list out all the things I need to do again.
Maybe this method of managing your trip checklist can help you organize your trip planning and make your trips more enjoyable too!