HeroMode is now on Instagram! Follow @heromodeapp for updates, feature highlights, and of course, lots of Jack the corgi pictures!
Even though we are a shy bunch, we are excited to share all aspects of HeroMode with you. We also love to talk about productivity, motivation, and habits. So HeroMode has joined Instagram!
We find Instagram to be great for sharing short clips on HeroMode functionalities and feature highlights. For example, we've shared a few reels on how to get started with HeroMode, how to set up repeat quests, and how to pin important quests.
Plus we will have many cameo appearances from Jack the corgi! I think it's time we promote Jack to the official HeroMode mascot!
So follow us, and stay up-to-date with all things HeroMode. Or stay for the corgi pics. Either way, we are here to bring you joy and productivity!